RO Plant

Primary Treatment Sewage is received in Bar Screen where coarse screen is placed to prevent inorganic coarse solids and debris from entering the tank and prevent clogging of pipes and equipment. Solids like plastic bags, bottles, bottle cap etc are trapped and removed manually. Over flow of this goes to collection cum Equalization tank through Oil & Grease trap where floating oil & grease is removed from the surface manually, with the help of submersible sewage pump is directly pumped to moving Bed Bio Reactor. In equalization homogenization of sewage is done with the help of blown air through coarse bubble diffuser system.

Secondary treatment

The sewage coming from bar screen flows to MBBR. The MBBR contains free floating PVC random media. The tank is provided with attached and suspended biological mass. The mixing and Oxygen transfer in the MBBR is provided by fine bubble diffused aeration system. The MLSS from the Aeration Tank / MBBR overflows to the hopper bottom settling tank provided with tube settlers. Here the bio-solids settles down and gets separated from the sewage. The settled biomass will be recycled back to the Aeration Tank for maintaining the MLVSS concentration. Excess biomass shall be taken to Sludge Dewatering Unit. The solid and dried cake from sludge dewatering unit shall be taken for disposal (may be used as manure) and dewatered liquid send back to collection tank. The clear supernatant of the Settling Tank shall overflow to an Intermediate Tank. Tertiary treatment: This biologically treated sewage shall be pumped through a pressure sand filter (PSF) for removing any fine solids escaping the secondary settling tank & then from Activated Carbon Filter for removal of refractory organics. A dose of NaOCl shall be given at the intermediate tank for disinfection. The final treated water shall be collected in the final treated water tank. Treated water from the final tank may be used for gardening or floor washing/ flushing purpose or overflow to drainage / disposal system

Sludge dewatering Systems

The excess sludge from Secondary Settling Tank is taken to Sludge Dewatering Unit (SDU). The solid and dried cake from SDU shall be taken for disposal (may be used as manure) and filtrate to be used for irrigation.

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